1.1 Introduction
Nutraceuticals are characterized as ‘specially designed preparations’, formulated with the aim of fulfilling specific dietary requirements and/or offer preventive health care. Nutraceuticals are the formulation of nutrient/nutrients which helps in prevention and treatment of some diseases, in addition to a supplement diet (Helal et al., 2019). Nutraceutical is a term given by Dr. Stephen De Felice in 1989 and came from two words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”. These are foods or a part of foods that are beneficial in providing various health benefits including the treatment and/or prevention of the disease. Science of nutrition has increasingly achieved new horizons, starting from the anticipation of deficiencies in nutrients to prominence on human health and prevention and treatment of chronic ailments. Terms ‘nutraceuticals’, ‘food supplements’, ‘dietary supplements’ have evolved after the concept was originated by Dr. De Felice. There is no sharp demarcation between food supplements and nutraceuticals given by regulatory authorities (Magar et al., 2023).
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